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How to export DB Schema in Play! 1.2.1

06 Nov 2012

So I am writing an application in Play 1.2.1 And I want to use the cool migrate module. This means I need to start writing SQL now.
And I am bad at it.. Sometimes I forget to put “OneToOne” and it takes me a while to see it
I found it useful to tell hibernate to export the DB scheme, thus quickly finding out the problems.
For this post I created the following models

package models;  
import javax.persistence.Entity;  
import play.db.jpa.Model;  
public class Account extends Model{  

package models;  
import javax.persistence.Entity;  
import play.db.jpa.Model;  
public class User extends Model{  
    public String username;  
    public String passowrd;  
    public Account account;  

And I replaced the Application.index action with the following code

public static void index() throws IOException {  
        Ejb3Configuration cfg = new Ejb3Configuration();  
        cfg.setProperty( "hibernate.dialect", MySQLDialect.class.getCanonicalName());  
        cfg.addAnnotatedClass( User.class );  
        cfg.addAnnotatedClass( Account.class );  
        SchemaExport export = new SchemaExport( cfg.getHibernateConfiguration() );  

        File file = new File("tmp.sql");  
        export.setOutputFile( file.getAbsolutePath() );  
        export.setFormat( true );  
        export.setDelimiter( ";" );  
        export.create( false, false );  

        if ( !CollectionUtils.isEmpty( export.getExceptions() ) )  
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(  );  
            for ( Throwable t : (List<Throwable>) export.getExceptions() ) {
                t.printStackTrace( new PrintWriter( writer ) );  
                renderText( writer.getBuffer().toString() );  
        renderText( FileUtils.readFileToString( file ) );  

As you can see, I am using the useful SchemaExport class provided by hibernate. You should really check this class out as it can also run SQL files.

Running the above code gives me the following output

    drop table if exists Account;  

    drop table if exists User;  

    create table Account (  
        id bigint not null auto_increment,  
        primary key (id)  

    create table User (  
        id bigint not null auto_increment,  
        account tinyblob,  
        passowrd varchar(255),  
        username varchar(255),  
        primary key (id)  

Which is exactly what I wanted

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