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Selenium Page Model Limitations

13 May 2013

In this post I will talk about an annoying limitation Selenium presents, and in the next posts I will show how to enhance Selenium to support my wish list.

Page Model

The Page Model relies heavily on the Page Factory.
The idea is that you define a Page class like so

public class LoginPage{  
 @FindBy( css = "form input[name=username]")  
 WebElement username;  

 @FindBy( css = "form input[name=password]")  
 WebElement password;  

 @FindBy( css = "form .submit")  
 WebElement submit;  

 public login(username, password){  

As you can see, I do not initialize the fields.
This happens by calling PageFactory.
Assuming you got your webDriver properly, the code will look like so:

LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage();     
PageFactory.initElements(  webDriver  , loginPage );  

This is all nice and pretty, but as you can see, I am limited to “WebElement”.
In real life, the UI is divided to components, but Selenium does not support defining components.

The Benefit of Components

When I say components, I simply mean repeating HTML structure, which in turn may be used with repeating
CSS styling and repeating JS binding.
A simple example for a component you all know is an HTML form.
Some applications disable/enable the “save” button, depending if the form is dirty or not.
Angular uses the term “pristine” instead - which means exactly the opposite.
If the form is pristine, the save button is disabled.

However, form components might do a lot more than that.
A common use for such a component (before angularJS) would be to synchronize the JS model and the form input fields
While AngularJS saves this effort on the front-end, Selenium code still has to work hard.
They need to define a field for each input field, and then write “sendKeys” on each one..

If I could only define a “Form” component in Selenium in such a way that I won’t have to change PageFactory initialization, then my code might look like this

public class LoginPage{  
 private Form loginForm;   

 public void login( username, password ){  

I can even wrap this form in a nicer API easily ( and with AOP it is even easier )

public class LoginForm extends Form{  
 public void setUsername( username ) { super.set("username",username); return this; }  
 public void setPassword( password ) { super.set("password",password); return this; }   

public class LoginPage{  
 private LoginForm loginForm;  

 public void login( username, password ){  

Components Are a Higher Level API To My Page

HTML pages might changes often, and when they do, the selenium tests usually break.
Imagine you decide to use a JQuery plugin instead of “select” tag.
If you do this, all the Selenium tests that use “select” tag in pages will break.
However, if you define a component for Select, all you need to do is change the implementation of this component.

public class Select{  
 public void val( String option ) { .. implementation here .. }  

public class PageWithSelect{  
 Select selectSomething;  

 public void selectOption(String option){  
  selectSomething.val( option );  

More Ideas For Components

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