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seo with phantomjs part 3

22 Oct 2014

this article is part of a series of articles explaining about seo and single page applications. the stack i use contains node, angular, nginx etc.
in this part we are tying up all the loose ends.
in this article you will have a single page application that supports seo.

writing the sitemap.xml and adding index.html to your paths

before we reach the final part of hooking it all together there are 2 seo things we should do.
the first one is to add index.html to your path.
it will make your life easier handling redirects and default index page etc..
it is not a requirement, but i recommend it and i assume you applied this in the rest of the post.
plus - developers are not usually aware of this, but not specifying index.html will cause problems when deadling with iframes.
i am not going to dwell on this here, but only mention that i had 2 iframes in my application that did not work until i added index.html to the src attribute.

the other thing is adding a sitemap.
adding a sitemap tells the crawlers which pages they should crawl.
it improves the search results.
i strongly recommend using a sitemap and not relying on the crawling behavior of following links.


adding index.html is done on your front-server and is quite easy.
all you need to do is add a redirect rule from / to /index.html
in nginx it looks like so :

rewrite ^/$ \$scheme://\$host/index.html break;


sitemaps are xml files that are returns when you approach /sitemap.xml path.
you can also expose them on a different path, and then submit sitemaps to the search engines - this is usually what i do.

you can maintain a file called sitemap.xml, but what is the fun in that?
if you have public content generated at runtime you should use an auto-generated sitemap.
simply use sitemap module from npm.
it has a pretty straight forward api.
even though you can omit the index.html from the path as crawlers will now be redirected automatically,
i recommend you specify it anyway.
your output should look like so :

<urlset xmlns="">  
 <url><loc>!/public/item/53f0f7b250dab2f71901abf8/intro</loc> <lastmod>2014-09-03</lastmod> <changefreq>hourly</changefreq> <priority>0.5</priority></url>   

note that sitemaps has a size limit.
it can contain upto 50K entries.
when i helped implementing seo to a site, i prefered to publish the last 10K records that were updated.
my reasons were:

i might be wrong about these 2 assumptions, but i prefered to take the safe road.

hooking it all up

to hook everything up, you need to tell your front server to redirect all requests with _escaped_fragment_ to your backend.
since we are dealing with a single page application these requests will actually be to an index.html file - as there is no other route
in nginx you can add the following

location ~ /index.html {  
    if (\$args ~ "_escaped_fragment_") {  
         rewrite ^(.*)$ /backend/crawler;  

just change /backend/crawler to your path.

in your express code map this url to the code that uses phantom.

app.get('/backend/crawler', function(req, res){  
    var url = req.param('_escaped_fragment_');  
    url = req.absoluteUrl('/index.html#!' + decodeURIComponent(url) );'prerendering url : ' + url ) ;  

    var phantom = require('phantom');  
    phantom.create(function (ph) {  

        setTimeout( function(){  
                logger.debug('unable to close phantom',e);  
        }, 30000);  

        return ph.createPage(function (page) {  
  , function ( status ) {  
                if ( status === 'fail'){  
                    res.send(500,'unable to open url');  
                }else {  
                    page.evaluate(function () {  
                        return document.documentElement.innerHTML;  
                    }, function (result) {  
                        res.send( result);  


there are 2 things in this script that might seem weird
the first is the method absoluteUrl. i assign this method to the request in a middleware.
this is the implementation

exports.origin = function origin( req, res, next){  
    var _origin = req.protocol + '://' +req.get('Host')  ;  
    req.origin = _origin;  

    // expects a URL from root "/some/page" which will result in "protocol://host:port/some/page"  
    req.absoluteUrl = function( relativeUrl ){  
        return _origin + relativeUrl;  

the other thing to note is the 30 seconds timeout that i have, in which i invoke exit on phantom.
this is a safety valve..
since this code spawns new phantomjs processes, i want to make sure these processes will die eventually.
i had the unfortunate opportunity to see it go haywire and bringing the machine to 100% cpu.

on the same note, i suggest you add killall phantomjs to your start commands so that every time you stop/start your application, it will make sure no orphan phantomjs processes are left.

so now there is only 1 thing left.
take a url from the sitemap, replace the #! with _escaped_fragment_ and use wget or curl on it and see if you get the entire html

if this worked, you can also go to facebook and try to share the url.

The end

thank you for reading this serie. i hope it helped you. please feel free to comment and give feedback.

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