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Speeding up metalsmith with incremental builds

08 Nov 2016

I love metalsmith. Since I transitioned to it I write more on my blog.
The only thing that annoyed me is that it became a bit slow.
I found myself waiting several seconds between changes.
So yesterday I decided to do something about it and I reached to a 500ms build on change.
I’d like to share with you what I did.

If you are here, but you are unfamiliar with metalsmith, you should go ahead and read my previous post on the topic.

Use metalsmith-timer to find the bottleneck

First I had to see what was causing the delay.
I use metalsmith-timer to see why the build is taking too long

To add it to your project you need to do the following

This will generate a very nice output like this

  metalsmith-timer init +0ms
  metalsmith-timer drafts +1ms
  metalsmith-timer addFilePath +0ms
  metalsmith-timer collections +8ms
  metalsmith-timer ensure-frontmatter +9ms
  metalsmith-timer keyword +0ms
  metalsmith-timer shortcodes +3ms
  metalsmith-timer markdown +57ms
  metalsmith-timer headings-identifier +193ms
  metalsmith-timer excerpts +69ms
  metalsmith-timer move-up +7ms
  metalsmith-timer handlebars +7s
  metalsmith-timer sass +32ms
  metalsmith-timer rss-all +7ms
  metalsmith-timer rss-javascript +3ms
  metalsmith-timer sitemap +30ms
  metalsmith-timer copy +2ms

So as you can see I have quite a lot of steps.
But the one I need to focus on to speed up my process was handlebars.
The way for me to reduce the amount of time spent on handlebars was to only process the modified files.

At first I tried using metalsmith-updated which has a very simple setup and gives good result.
The handlebars task was not taking 7 seconds anymore.
But now I had another task to calculated updated files, which took about a second.. and I knew I can do better, and I had to go for it..

In comes chokidar

The reason why metalsmith-updated was taking too long is because it had to check on each file if it is modified.
But.. that’s exactly what watch is doing.

So far I’ve been using metalsmith-start to trigger rebuilds on change.
But the way it is implemented, it is doing full builds each time.

So I decided to implement it myself using one of my most favorite libraries ever chokidar.
You probably know nodemon - which uses chokidar as well..

Chokidar will trigger an event whenever a file changed.

var app = new Metalsmith ...


     // lets filter all unmodified files..
     // we only reference markdown files, because they are the bottleneck

  .use((pages) => { // remove all pages but what we need
    if (modifiedFiles !== null && modifiedFiles !== false) {
      console.log('modified files are', modifiedFiles)
      _.each(pages, (page, filepath) => {
        if (modifiedFiles.indexOf(filepath) < 0 &&
          filepath.indexOf('.md') > 0 &&
          filepath.indexOf('') < 0) {
          delete pages[filepath]


function buildApp () { // execute the metalsmith build. report problems and reset watcher if exists => {
    if (err) throw err
    if ( modifiedFiles !== null ){
      modifiedFiles = []

buildApp(); // first build.
if (process.env.WATCH) { // register to file changes and trigger build on change.
  var chokidar = require('chokidar')
  var triggerBuild = () => {
    modifiedFiles = _(modifiedFiles)
      .map((f) => { // metalsmith expects paths to be relative to src folder
        return path.relative(path.join(__dirname, 'src'), f)
    if (modifiedFiles.length > 0) { // don't trigger build if nothing changed and watching

  var watcher =['src', 'layouts', 'partials', 'plugins'])
  var triggerBuildDebounced = _.debounce(triggerBuild, 100) // use debounce if many changes occurred.
  watcher.on('change', (file) => { // register modified files, they will be referenced during the build
    if (modifiedFiles === null) {
      modifiedFiles = []

The snippet above is the general idea. You register to changes, remember the modifications and during the build modify metalsmith to only include the modified files.

What is left?

So now that we are processing only the modified files, some tasks may start to fail.
For example metalsmith-rss throws exception if it cannot find pages that match its criteria.

You can quickly modified it to execute only if relevant.
In this example, I will generate an RSS feed for my JavaScript articles only if the collection is not empty.

 .use(function (pages, metalsmith, done) {
    const metadata = metalsmith.metadata()

    if (!!metadata.collections && metadata.collections.javascriptArticles && metadata.collections.javascriptArticles.length > 0) {
        collection: 'javascriptArticles',
        destination: 'javascript-rss.xml',
        feedOptions: {
          title: 'Mograblog',
          site_url: ''
      })(pages, metalsmith, done)
    } else {

And that’s it..

Serving the files

metalsmith-start used to also serve the files.
To replace it use lite-server and tell it that metlamisth’s destination folder is its base directory.

Conclusion and taking the next step

This idea can be extended easily by wrapping the chokidar code to a reusable function that executes metalsmith’s build directly.
We can also expose a plugin to metalsmith that filters pages.

The effort was only a couple of hours and the result is awesome.
It would probably take me less time if I followed a post like this one.

Speeding up the cycle between applying a change and seeing the results enables me to try out more options.
If I had to wait 8 seconds between each CSS change, I’d avoid making such changes, but now I don’t have to.

Using metalsmith-timer really helped me monitor my progress and keep me focused.
Without it, I could not have made the choice to only filter out markdown files and make my life easier as I wouldn’t have known the saas plugin is really quick.

Don’t forget to leave comments and share if you liked the post.

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