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Serverless Feedback For Your Blog

02 Apr 2017

You do what you can with what you have.. but you should always ask for feedback! With this super easy serverless implementation, there are not more excuses. In this post I will show you how you can get feedback from your readers with just a bit of JavaScript.


The solution we will implement relies on AWS SNS mechanism. This mechanism allows you to define topics and register to them - which means you will get notifications when an item is posted to the topic.

Setting up SNS notification on AWS

This step is pretty straight forward.

SNS Create Topic SNS Add Subscription

Create a user with single permission to publish a topic on that specific SNS topic

AWS will require authentication to publish to that topic. Luckily you can define permission to a user to do just that!

Create Permissions

Since this user is only allowed to publish items for this specific SNS topic, there’s no security issue exposing it in the frontend.

If you are still doubtful - you can always write a AWS Lambda and expose it with AWS API Gateway. This will give you similar results just without the credentials.

Write frontend JS to publish the feedback

Now it’s time to actually send the feedback.
I assume in this post you can write a simple form that will collect feedback input from the user and trigger a function.
So I will allow myself to focus on the publish side only.

For implementation I will use AWS SDK library found at:

var sns = new AWS.SNS({ accessKeyId: __your_access_key_id__, secretAccessKey: __your_secret_access_key__, region: __your_region__ });

function publish (info) {
    Message: 'some feedback you collected from user',
    Subject: 'Feedback from my blog',
    TopicArn: __arn_for_your_topic__
  }, function(err, data) {
    if (err) {
      console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
    else {
      console.log(data);           // successful response

And that’s it!


Write comments below if you’ve used this technique and what you did with it.

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